Wednesday, August 26, 2009

40 is actually interesting

Hey all.
Turning 40 was actually very interesting. First, it didnt hurt. It was practically painless. Then it was really painless after a few drinks. But I think the really interesting thing that happened is that I decided to clean house. Not my actual house per say, but ME- my house, my head my body. All those people that I kept trying to more. All the things I used to do because I thought if I didnt do them, something bad might more. gone. All those petty arguments about money, family, more. Who cares? We just go around and around and around without ever accomplishing anything..and really- in this self absored society..who cares anyway? I am not saying that I gave up the really good stuff..I am a parent, and I parent. I am present for my kids and I know how to say NO to them. I am present to my husband and I know when to say YES to him. I sifted through my friends and decided who really mattered. Who had the qualities that I admired, and who always came through even when I didnt see them or talk to them all the life got smaller, simpler, less stressful.
The people who drove me bananas are always gonna drive me bananas and they are never gonna change, but I can change the way I deal with I wish you well and please don't call...its very liberating. Yes, liberating - thats how 40 feels and I am LOVIN it. I dont have a perfect body, I dont have a million dollars, I dont have the huge house and the fancy car but I do have a great hubby, good kids and wisdom. And for all you people afraid to get older...embrace it, trust me you'll love it too.

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